Managing stress at work and home
We will all encounter stressful situations during our day-to-day lives, whether at home or the office. It is how we deal with it that matters.
Monitoring stress
First and foremost, find out what causes you to feel stressed. There might be specific triggers and warning signs that you can identify before it happens, such as muscle tension, headache, or feeling irritable.
Changing the stressor
You can change the stressor in some instances, but sometimes it’s just not possible. For example, if your workload is causing you stress, ask for help. Postpone significant life changes such as moving house if you are already stressed.
Exercising regularly can relax your mind, relieve tension and steer your thoughts to happier, less stressful thinking.
Muscle relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, yoga and meditation, are ways to de-stress the body and relax muscles.
Spending time with loved ones
Being with people you find uplifting is an excellent boost for one’s morale and talking about your feelings is a good stress-reliever. Resolving those long-lingering personal conflicts also takes a load off your shoulders.
Looking after your health
Eat well and maintain a healthy diet. Don’t underestimate sleeping enough and avoid using drugs and alcohol to cope.
Do things you love
Whether listening to music or doing crossword puzzles – make time for activities that you like doing.
If you feel unable to manage your stress alone or with support from loved ones, seek help from a counsellor or health professional.
Helpful contacts:
BeyondBlue, or call 1300 224 636
Lifeline, or call 13 11 14
NSW Mental Health Line call 1800 011 511
SANE Australia, email: or call 1800 187 263
Reach Out,
Steps to Wellbeing,, Email: or call 03 861 5450