The Power of Gratitude and Life Without Fear

MBC recently sponsored the Ride the Wave launch and a few of our staff attended. Kim Schneider, our Traffic Manager shared her experience.

“It was a fantastic night and the audience had the opportunity to listen to amazing motivational speakers Cooper Chapman and Mark Mathews.  Their main messages were “Power of Gratitude” and “Life Without Fear”; and how ‘Habit Stacking’ can help you achieve change.

An easy way to demonstrate ‘habit stacking’ is when you brush your teeth at night, think about three things you are grateful for that day, and do that every time you brush your teeth at night. Soon, the habit of brushing your teeth will automatically include the Power of Gratitude.

Cooper talked about the importance of actively taking care of our mental health daily, not just when we are struggling. He encouraged us all to spend just 1% of our day  (14 minutes) taking care of our mental health through meditation, daily acts of kindness (as small as picking up a piece of rubbish or smiling at a stranger) and gratitude over expectation. Be thankful for what you have and not what you expect you should have.

To listen to his podcast:

Mark Mathews is a big wave surfer and his story was about overcoming an injury that was potentially career-ending. He spoke about his fears during his life and the light bulb moment after his injury that got him out of feeling sorry for himself and back on the board. His story was warm, humorous, humble and inspiring.

Mark said when setting goals, think about ‘What, Why and Who’. What do you want to achieve, why do you want to achieve it and who are you achieving it for, who will get you there? When you link a goal to ‘who’, it then becomes a reality.

What resonated with me, was the kindness and gratitude both speakers displayed, the simplicity of their message and the techniques to obtain it.

What are you grateful for today?”