It’s National Road Safety Week from 16 – 23 May 2021!
The Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group created this annual initiative to honour those who have succumbed or been injured on our roads. It highlights the trauma that road accidents cause and aims to reduce the number of crashes due to unsafe roads and driving.
Did you know that 84 people died on our roads – just in April? Also, according to Australian Government statistics, in the year that ended in June 2018, there were almost 40 000 people that were admitted to hospital with injuries caused by road accidents.
Besides the fact that we have to drive carefully, it’s a scary figure if you are working on the side of the road every day as our Traffic Control teams do!
Simple things you can do to be a better and safer driver:
- Leave your phone while you’re driving. Don’t fiddle with it to play music, look for directions, take calls or heaven forbid – text!
- Think for other people. You might just prevent an accident from happening if you do.
- Look around constantly. Observe and take note of your surroundings.
- Stick to the speed limit. It’s there for a reason. And besides, you’ll be glad you did if you spot the odd speed camera.
- Be careful of Traffic Control teams working on our roads. They do an important job to make our lives better and easier and it can be dangerous in some instances. It would be great if you say thanks too!
We all need to play our part to make and keep our roads safe.